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Yeme bozuklukları ile ilgili kaynakça

Andersen, A. (2007). Stories I tell my patients: Where are you when you are eating? Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 15(3), 279-280.


Baer, R. A., Fischer, S., & Huss, D. B. (2005). Mindfulness and acceptance in the treatment of disordered eating. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 23(4), 281-300.


Baer, R. A., Fischer, S., & Huss, D. B. (2005). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy applied to binge eating: A case study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 12(3), 351-358.


Corstorphine, E. (2006). Cognitive-emotional-behavioural therapy for the eating disorders: Working with beliefs about emotions. European Eating Disorders Review, 14(6), 448-461.


Fasano-Ramos, M. (2004). Mindful meals: A holistic approach to eating. Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association), 24(1), 1-1.


Kristeller, J. L. (2003). Mindfulness, wisdom, and eating: Applying a multi-domain model of meditation effects. Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 8(2), 107-118.


Kristeller, J. L., & Hallett, C. B. (1999). An exploratory study of a meditation-based intervention for binge eating disorder. Journal of Health Psychology, 4(3), 357-363. Wiser, S., & Telch, C. F. (1999). Dialectical behavior therapy for binge-eating disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(6), 755-768.


Kristeller, J. L., Baer, R. A., & Quillian-Wolever, R. (2006). Mindfulness-based approaches to eating disorders. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: Clinician's guide to evidence base and applications (pp. 75-91). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.


Proulx, K. (2008). Experiences of women with bulimia nervosa in a mindfulness-based eating disorder treatment group. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 16(1), 52-72.


Safer, D. L., Telch, C. F.,& Agras,W. S. (2001). Dialectical behavior therapy for bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 632–634.


Shelley, B. (2009). A Randomized Controlled Investigation of the Effects of Mindfulness Training on Weight Loss in Postmenopausal Obese Women .  Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 5 (3), 149-SAYFAYA BAK

Smith, B. W., Shelley, B. M., Leahigh, L., & Vanleit, B. (2006). A preliminary study of the effects of a modified mindfulness intervention on binge eating. Complementary Health Practice Review, 11(3), 133-143.


Stewart, T. M. (2004). Light on body image treatment: Acceptance through mindfulness. Behavior Modification, 28(6), 783-811.


Wilson, G. T. (2004). Acceptance and change in the treatment of eating disorders: The evolution of manual-based cognitive-behavioral therapy. In S. C. Hayes, V. M. Follette & M. M. Linehan (Eds.), Mindfulness and acceptance: Expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition (pp. 243-260). New York: Guilford Press.





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İnsan kısmı bir misafirhane,
Her sabah yeni birisi gelir.

Bir sevinç, bir bunalım, bir zalimlik,
Aniden farkına varmak bir şeyin,
Hepsi beklenmedik misafir.

Hepsini karşılayıp eyle!
Evini vahşetle süpürüp,
Bütün mobilyalarını boşaltan
Bir kederler kalabalığı bile gelse.
... devamı...



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