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Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu kaynakçası

Bohus, M., Haaf, B., Stiglmayr, C., Pohl, U., Bohme, R., & Linehan, M. (2000). Evaluation of inpatient dialectical-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder—a prospective study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 875–887.


Brodsky, B. S., & Stanley, B. (2002). Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Annals, 32(6), 347-356.


Huss, D. B., & Baer, R. A. (2007). Acceptance and change: The integration of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy into ongoing dialectical behavior therapy in a case of borderline personality disorder with depression. Clinical Case Studies, 6(1), 17-33.


Kern, R. S., Kuehnel, T. G., Teuber, J., & Hayden, J. L. (1997). Multimodal cognitive-behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder with self-injurious behavior. Psychiatric Services, 48(9), 1131-1133.


Koons, C., Robins, C.J., Tweed, J. L., Lynch, T. R., Gonzelez, A. M., Morse, J. Q., Bishop, G. K., Butterfield, M. I., & Bastian, L. A. (2001). Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy in women veterans with borderline personality disorder. Behavior Therapy, 32, 371-390.


Lindenboim, N., Comtois, K. A., & Linehan, M. M. (2007). Skills practice in dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal women meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 14(2), 147-156.


Linehan, M. M. (1993). Skills training manual for treating borderline personality disorder. New York: Guilford Press.


Linehan, M. M., Dimeff, L. A., Reynolds, S. K., Comtois, K. A.,Welch, S. S., Heagerty, P., et al. (2002). Dialectical behaviortherapy versus comprehensive validation therapy plus 12-step for the treatment of opioid dependent women meeting criteriafor borderline personality disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,67, 13–26.


Linehan, M. M., Heard, H. L.,&Armstrong, H. E. (1993). Naturalistic follow-up of a behavioral treatment for chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, 971–974.


Linehan, M. M., Schmidt, H. I., Dimeff, L. A., Craft,J. C., Kanter, J., & Comtois, K. A. (1999). Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence. American  Journal on Addictions, 8, 279-292.


Linehan,M.M., Armstrong, H.E., Suarez,A. Allmon, D. ve Heard,H.L. 1991. Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of chronically suicidal borderline patients, Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 1060-1064.


Lynch, T. R., & Bronner, L. L. (2006). Mindfulness and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): Application with depressed older adults with personality disorders. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: Clinician's guide to evidence base and applications (pp. 217-236). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.


McQuillan, A., Nicastro, R., Guenot, F., Girard, M., Lissner, C., & Ferrero, F. (2005). Intensive dialectical behavior therapy for outpatients with borderline personality disorder who are in crisis. Psychiatric Services, 56(2), 193-197.


Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Linehan, M. M. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents. New York: Guilford Press.


Perseius, K., Kåver, A., Ekdahl, S., Åsberg, M., & Samuelsson, M. (2007). Stress and burnout in psychiatric professionals when starting to use dialectical behavioural therapy in the work with young self-harming women showing borderline personality symptoms. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 14(7), 635-643.


Robins, C. J., & Chapman, A. L. (2004). Dialectical behavior therapy: current status, recent developments, and future directions. Journal of Personality Disorders, 18, 73–89.


Shaw Welch, S., Rizvi, S., & Dimidjian, S. (2006). Mindfulness in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: Clinician's guide to evidence base and applications (pp. 117-139). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.


Simpson, E. B., Pistorello, J., Begin, A., Costello, E., Levinson, J., Mulberry, S,. et al. (1998). Use of dialectical behavior therapy in a partial hospital program for women with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Services, 49(5), 669-673.


van den Bosch, L. M., Koeter, M.W., Stijnen, T., Verheul, R., & van den Brink,W. (2005). Sustained efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 1231–1241.


van den Bosch, L.M.C., Verheul, R., Schippers, G.M. ve van den Brink, W. 2002. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy of borderline patients with and without substance abuse problems: implementation and long term effects. Addictive Behaviours, 27, 911-923.


Verheul, R., van den Bosch,L.M.C, Koeter, M.W.J., de Ridder,M.A.J., Stinnen, T. ve van den Brink, W. 2003. Dialectical behaviour therapy for women with borderline personality disorder.  British Journal of Psychiatry, 182, 13-140.







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